Lutron ABH-4224
Cup Anemometer / Barometer / Humidity / Temperature
- Air velocity : 0.9 to 35.0 m/ s, ft/ min., km/ h, mile/ h, knots.
- Barometer : 10 to 1100 hPa, mmHg, inHg.
- Humidity : 10% to 95% RH, Dew.
- Temperature : 0 to 50 oC, oC/ oF.
- All in one, hand held type.
- Cup type probe, no wind direction.
- Hold, Record ( max., min.) .
- DC 1.5V battery ( UM-4, AAA) x 4.
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Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Contact Person : Subarkah
Hp : 081283804273/ 085774067221
Email : subarkah18@
Gmail : darmatek1@
YM : cs_darmatek
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